Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Let the Posts Begin!

Ciao, readers~! Grazie for taking time out of your day to read this. It truly means a lot to me~!

I'm semi-new to this whole 'blogging' thing, so please excuse the mess. I've made websites, blogs, forums, and the like in the past, but I usually never got far with them for this reason or that.

So... Shall I begin by introducing what this blog is about? Ever since a certain friend of mine dragged me into the world of Hetalia, I've been quite addicted. I had heard about it before from a few of my other friends, but this particular friend happened to be talking to be on Skype. Thereby on a computer. Where I could use the magic powers of Google. The result: a Hetalia fan(girl) was born.

There may be a few of you out there going: "WTF is Hetalia?" Well, amico, let me enlighten you. Axis Powers Hetalia, Hetalia: Axis Powers, APH, or simply Hetalia began as a webcomic by Hidekaz Himaruya, sometimes affectionately called "Papa Hima" by fans. APH quickly became popular in Japan, making its way to print form (of which there are currently 3 volumes in English). The idea was so popular, Hetalia flourished into the anime most know it for. There are currently over 100 episodes, each roughly 5 minutes long, divided up into 3 series - Axis Powers, World Series, and Beautiful World. The latest series is currently ongoing, with no English dub episodes as of yet. (Click here to check the official website).

Well, now you're probably saying: "Gee, thanks for the history lesson--" (Me: *tries not to burst out laughing*) "--but what is Hetalia about?" APH personifies countries with their most well-known stereotypes and commences with historically-based shenanigans. As the name suggests, the first series primarily focused on World War II and the Axis Powers (as well as the Allied Powers), but there are no real limitations and trying to explain the story would probably give me a headache. Just know that personified countries based on stereotypes get into silly situations that are relatively accurate historically.

Phew... Well, with all of that out of the way, what will I be doing here, on this blog? Posting random Hetalia nonsense of course! From my thoughts on various episodes, to translations and transcriptions, to random  videos and stories I've wanted to make... Anything Hetalia! Who knows? I may include a bit of roleplay in these posts. Or, at the very least, in the comments. It's always entertaining to have Prussia shouting his awesomeness or America calling everyone dude or having Norway strangle Denmark with his own tie for being too loud.

For those who want to watch Hetalia, the first 4 episodes of the English dub are on YouTube (as well as tons of the Japanese episodes with English subs). Here's the first episode~

Hasta la pasta~!

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